Sunday, January 30, 2022

30 Reason Why You Should Read Books


·        Books help to educate us.

·        Books entertain us.

·        Books teach us empathy.

·        Books invite us to think outside the box.

·        Books make us ask questions.

·        And find answers to those questions.

·        Books engage our imaginations.

·        Books connect us with authors both alive and dead.

·        Books permit us to experience situations and circumstances vicariously.

·        Books allow us to travel to new places.

·        Books offer new perspectives.

·        Books dispel prejudices.

·        Books help us understand our history.

·        And learn from the past.

·        Books help us learn new skills

·         And new ways to communicate.

·         Books explore life’s big questions.

·        Books begin where movies leave off.

·        Books inspire conversations.

·        Books offer a respite from the daily grind.

·        Books introduce us to new friends.

·        Books keep us company.

·        Books invite us to see the big picture.

·        Books show us we’re never alone.

·        Books encourage us to think in new ways.

·        Books improve our vocabulary.

·        Books can be shared with others.

·        Books empower us with knowledge.

·        Books open our minds.

·        And our hearts.