1. Issue of books for home use – Each student would be issued two books at a time for a period of one week.

2. Staff members would be issued maximum five books at a time for a maximum period of one fortnight.

3. Failure to return books on time would compulsorily lead to penalty of Rs.1 per day for all (students & staff).

4. Reissue of books by a user may be allowed maximum twice more after first issue.

5. Newly purchased books should be not issued to any user for at least one month but should be displayed separately as new arrivals.

6. Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias & other reference books would not be issued.

7. One set of textbooks may be issued to teachers for the subject being taught by them for the whole session.

8. In case a user loses a book he/she would have to either replace the book or deposit one times the price of the book in the library.

9. Each user would be provided with library cards for issue of books. Magazines and periodicals may also be issued for a week only.

10.Strict discipline and silence are to be observed in the
 library and reading room.  

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